oreo. :D
went to dave's for lunch after that. then on the way there we went to this dumex exhibition. there was this oesophagus thingy and stomach and anus. first we had to kick some stuff down some whole. then jump like crazy 3 times. and push the 'shit' towards some spot. the guy laughed at us cause we pushed it to fast. haha. don't blame us strong humans. :D
the crazy jumping thing.
the 'poop'.
then the guy asked us something really funny.
the guy: girls, when is cheer 2009 ah?
us: err, 3 weeks ago.
the guy: oh.. who won ah?
us: err, we won..
the guy: oh haha.. congrats. *paiseh look*
so we all ordered pasta. and had to wait for 45 minutes cause everyone sitting in that resto was ordering the same thing. bad idea for choosing a 50% pasta shop. but they had yummy food. :D
woke up 6 yesterday morning. had 3 performances. supposed to be two but pengetua was mad. so went to putrajaya for the first one. it was some big walk thingy. pirated were there. :D haha. then guess what? half was through the routine it started to rain. omgod. we were running to save our lives poms. then performance cancelled and we had to go back to mummy's shop for the next one.

the bus was really cold. we slept all the way back. like pigs. x.x
then last stop. SCHOOOOL. there were thousands of humans on school. plus some lala gand even called us lala. crazy right? *pfft* but the baskey then was really high. it took ashley 294822948503 donkey years to figure out how to arch properly again. and it took 372987474729774728 monkey years for crystal to do a proper kick twist. *smacks head*
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